martes, 2 de junio de 2009

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009

Galland´s Combat Experience for the AAF

1.Goodbye, my friend Werner ! In the German Cementery at Buenos Aires, october 1953. Werner Baumbach, a famous and popular German bomber pilot, lost his life in Argentina while testing the PAT 1 (Proyectil Aéreo Teledirigido) a copy of the Henschel 293, a radio contolled, powered glide bomb. (Atilio Marino)

2. An exercise in the skies: Avro Lincoln`s bombers vs. Gloster Meteor IV Fighter interceptor. The Air Defence Command and Galland´s combat experience in action.

3. Adolph Galland fly in the Gloster Meteor I-072, Morón Air Base, Buenos Aires.

sábado, 7 de febrero de 2009

The First and The Last....

The First and the Last, writing in Argentina, 1953.
The Luftwaffe in Argentina: Werner Baumbach (bomber commander), Hans U. Rudel (the Great Pilot of the STUKAS), and Adolf Galland in the Aeroparque Airport Buenos Aires, 1951.

In Merlo, Buenos Aires Province, Galland met Sylvina Countess von Donhoff. Here, she watches Galland`s pre-takeoff preparation with some concern (1954). W. Held

Captain Gert Hermann Kleissen, several critical, working with Galland in the Air Defence Command, AAF, 1953-1955. Ricardo Kleissen.

During the weekends, wether and season permitting, Galland could be found hunting in the Pampas.Here he is with a wild board. W. Held.

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

Galland and the Gauchos of the air

1. Galland was to use his war experience to set up a modern jet fighter force for the AAF. About 100 british Gloster Meteor fighters had been acquired. (Photo: Meteor`s Pilots at the VI Brigada Aérea Tandil-Buenos Aires Province) Ricardo Kleissen
2. For the first time, after the war, Daimler-Benz participated in a major international automobile race. In February 1951 the south american continent was to be crossed in a road race. The photo shows, from left to right: Mercedes Benz racing driver Lang; Mr. Zeyen; Galland and Mercedes Benz racing driver Klein. (Ciudad Jardín-El Palomar) W. Held.
3. Argentinian Civil Pilot Licence
4. In the Air Defence Command of the AAF . W. Held.

sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

This Book

Author: Walter Marcelo Bentancor
Year: 2008

jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

New life in the Pampa´s

1. Galland talking with the famous aircraft designer, Professor Kurt Tank, who also worked for the Argentine Government.(W. Held)

2. With his German-speaking liaison officer and friend, Captain Luis Mario Grieben,while delivering a lecture to Argentine Air Force officers (W. Held)

3. The Galland Family House: In the suburbs of Buenos Aires is located the wonderful garden-town of EL PALOMAR (Ciudad Jardín). Here Galland moved into a house and started his new life (Walter Marcelo Bentancor).

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009